Friday, May 24, 2013

Principle of Management GED-202 (Suggestion)

Principle of Management GED-202 (Suggestion for Final Exam)
Exam Date: 26-May-2013, Sunday. Time: 7.00PM to 9.30PM

1. Definition of planning.
2. Nature of planning.
3. Types of planning.
4. Steps of planning.

International Business:
1. Nature and purpose of international business.
2. Different orientation (page: 58).
3. Five dimensions of behavior.

1. Definition of management.
2. Function of management.
3. Managerial skills and levels.
4. Scientific management.
5. Managerial roles.

1. Definition of Motivation.
2. Theory X and Y.
3. Maslow’s Theory.
4. Herzberg Theory.

1. Definition of leadership.
2. Charismatic leadership.
3. Style base leadership.
4. Managerial grid.
5. Fielder’s leadership.
6. Path goal leadership.

Created by Moni, Special thanks to Shawon                           For more updates:  

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