Exam Time: 9:30-10:30 AM Date:
Questions Type:
1. Graph: Definitions with Examples- Graph, Connected graph, Complete
graph, Directed graph, Degree of graph, Representation of graph etc. from
Slide-1 (Graph Slide).
2. BFS: Algorithm of BFS with run time,
Draw graph (Tree) of BFS and show the Queue, Table and Distance.
3. DFS: Algorithm of DFS with run time,
Draw graph of DFS and show Discovery time, Finishing Time from the Tree.
4. Topological Sort: Definitions of different
types of Edges with Examples.
5. SCC: Definitions with Examples,
Algorithm with run time, Draw graph of SCC and show the Strongly Connected
Components. (Group-C)
Prepared By:
Night Hawk
Hacker Boys
E-mail: shawon_czone@outlook.com
Cell: +88 01739 143041